Stock Box now 2800 strong

Stock Box will continue its expansion program in 2016 with a network that is now 2800 strong across 10 channels, including Petrol and Convenience, Mixed Business and Takeaway, Independent Grocery, Newsagent and Stationery, Café and Hospitality to name a few.
“Membership is growing at 20 – 30 new locations each week, with around 12% of new members coming from referrals. This growth is an indication that independent retailers see real value in the service that Stock Box provides, said Managing Director Craig Matthews ”.
Running from February to November, the program allows suppliers to send sample products to sites, increasing product awareness and retailer engagement through trial.
On average the box will showcase 8-12 products that are matched to a retailers business, and insights canvased from the box is then fed back to suppliers for their follow-up.
The key benefit of the Stock Box program is that product can reach more retailers in less time than a traditional field force can, getting to sites that in most cases a field force is not servicing due to location and volume criteria.
“We do in a matter of weeks what would take most company’s months to achieve, and we provide insights that can help a company’s trade marketing efforts, in addition to providing direct leads that streamline the site activation process”, Mr Matthews went on to say.
Expressions of interest for the 2016 program are now open.
For more information on the Stock Box program and how you can get involved, go to or contact Craig Matthews 0407 467 670 or Email:

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